Start your Summer Saturdays off right

It's free!

Join us for an all-level gentle yoga session in Memorial Park (by the Thorold Centre 50+), just adjacent to Downtown Thorold.

Join us most Summer Saturdays between 9-10 am.

June 14th, 21st & 28th

July 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th

August 9th, 16th & 23rd

Our Yoga Instructors are fully certified + insured.

Just BYOM (Bring Your Own Mat) and make sure to register!

Yoga Sessions are held rain or shine. If it's shining it's at Jaycee Centennial Park on Albert Street West (free two hour parking at the lot across the street). If it's raining sessions will be held at the Yoga Centre of Niagara at 24A Front Street, South, Thorold (entrance at the back).

*when registered we will email you if a raindate means indoor yoga.

The fine print: 

By registering for this class I consent to the use of my name and or my child/ren & and photos of myself or child/ren from the event in any form of promotional material for the Downtown Thorold BIA and/or the City of Thorold.
I acknowledge that there is a risk of injury involved in the activity for which we are registering.  I hereby accept that risk and release the BIA, the Yoga Centre of Niagara, and the Corporation of The City of Thorold from all claims of any kind whatsoever that may arise from any of the Yoga in the Park dates that I am registered for.  I understand that I am joining a mailing list for the BIA where I will receive from time to time notifications of other events downtown (You can unsubscribe at anytime).