Canine Costume Contest & Puppy Parade
It’s back! Join us in Historic Downtown Thorold for our Annual Halloween Parades on Saturday, October 26th (rain or shine).
Dress up for doggie treats, prizes and fun at our Canine Costume Contest & Puppy Parade.
Place: Jaycee Centennial Park (Albert Street West, between the Old Firehall and the Thorold Veterinary Hospital)
Date: Saturday, October 26th
Check-in: 9:45am, check-in for the event
Parade starts: 10:00am parade begins, in a predetermined route around Downtown.
Parade ends at Pet Valu for participant doggie treat bags and prizes for best costumes! Don't miss out on this fun event!!
Registration is required in order for us to best plan for the event.
The fine print:
I hereby have read, acknowledge and agree to abide by the following rules:
- Dogs must be leashed at all times on a leash no longer than 6ft. Retractable leashes must be kept short.
- All dogs must be walked by an adult; limit of two dogs per adult. Dogs must be accompanied and monitored at all times.
- Dogs must be licensed and have current vaccinations including: rabies.
- Owners are liable for any injury or damage caused by their pet and are fully responsible for their pets/'s actions.
- Dispose of all dog waste appropriately. Receptacles will be available along parade route.
- For costume contest awards, the decision of the judges is final.
- Aggressive dogs or females in heat will not be permitted to participate.
- I understand that due to health regulations, allergy concerns and other factors, some businesses cannot permit pets to enter their premises and I agree to keep my pet outside of those businesses.
- I also consent to the use of my name or my family's name, my awards, my category and photos of me or my family from the event in any form of promotional material for the Downtown Thorold BIA and or the City of Thorold.
- I am aware that there is a risk of injury involved in the activity for which we are registering. I hereby accept that risk and release the BIA, and the Corporation of the The City of Thorold from all claims of any kind whatsoever that may arise from this event that I am registered for.
- I understand that I am joining a mailing list for the BIA where I will receive from time to time notifications of other events downtown (you can unsubscribe at any time).
Thorold BIA
Canine Costume Contest & Puppy Parade - It's free but registration is required.